quinta-feira, 17 de novembro de 2011

[GMS]Legend esta chegando...

  Essa grande atualização esta prevista para dia 07 de dezembro no Global MapleStory.Ela contém 3 classes, Cannon Shooter, Mercedes e Demon Slayer.

A seguir os 3 videos trailers dessa atualização nos 3 servidores:

Kms Oficial



sexta-feira, 30 de setembro de 2011

quinta-feira, 29 de setembro de 2011

quarta-feira, 17 de agosto de 2011

domingo, 14 de agosto de 2011

sexta-feira, 12 de agosto de 2011

Gírias e abreviações

Para a duvida de players novos que não sabem se comunicar com outros players por causa das gírias aqui um guide delas completo:

Ox - Ox quizz - evento de verdadeiro e falso

RR - Russian Roulette - evento de roleta russa

Exp - a quantidade de experiência se consegue em um bicho que o servidor e diferente do normal 
Meso - a quantidade de meso que solta nos bichos que o servidor é diferente do normal
Drop - a chance de soltar um item de um bicho no monstro que e diferente

Merchant: Jogador que se dedica ao comércio no jogo

Skill: Habilidades que você consegue através das classes

Dex/Str/Int/Luk Less - Builds de classes que adicionam somente em um atributo principal

Wash: Técnica desenvolvida pelo jogador Tiger do GMS em 2008 wash é "lavar" pontos de hp que foram investido com pontos de atributo com um item chamado ap reset de Cash, depois tirar do mp e botar no status que quer

Rebirth/Reborn: Renascer voltando para Begginer com os mesmos pontos de atributo

Haste: Skill que aumenta velocidade e pulo por um determinado tempo

Hb: Hyper Body, skill que aumenta o hp e mp em 60% durante um tempo

Bless: Benção que aumenta defesa precisão e GM Bless que aumenta ataque também

Hs: Holy Simbol skill básica de grupo para aumentar exp

Pt: Party, no MapleStory é interpretado como grupo

Msi: Max Stat item

Bf: Big foot boss

Bf: Balanced Fury = shuriken +30 att

Dc: Disconnect = quando vc cai do jogo

Ftw: For the win = para a vitória

PQ: Party quest = Missão de grupo

CC: Change channel 

Wg: Work glove

Ks: Kill Steal seria um tipo de roubar a exp de outro player matando o bicho que ele estava matando

Ac: Auto Clicker um programa que vc programa ele para clicar muitas vezes alem do que vc conseguiria com o mouse, muito usado em missões de grupo que precisa dessa habilidade

Bagged: quando um player morre quando o outro summona algum monstro através de um saco de monstros

Bl: Buddy List = Lista de amigos

Mg: Magic Guard = Proteção arcana

Ppl2pass: Pessoas para passar no rank

Rush: Ir uma missão de grupo até a melhor parte varias vezes e sair para render mais, pode ser também empurrar um monstro

B>/C>: compro Ex: C>Power elixir 

Lurar: Do inglês lure. Atrair um ou mais monstros para determinado lugar usando o seu personagem como isca.

Mobar: Juntar muitos mobs para matá-los ao mesmo tempo ganhando altas quantidades de xp e de itens.

S>/V> : Vendo Ex: V> Ht Necklace

T> : Troco Ex: Troco Power elixir por Ht Necklace

Bw: Blunt weapon = Maça

CS: Cash Shop

Fs: Facestompers

GP: Guild Points

GM: Game Master/Guild Master

Hb: Hyper Body = skill de spearman 2º job

HH: Headless Horseman Boss da Haunted House

JQ: Jump Quest

NX: Nexon Card seria tipo o Cash do BMS

Kb: Knockback habilidade de empurrar o monstro

Leech: Ato de uma pessoa nível alto ajudar uma de nivel menor ajudando ela a receber Exp

SE: Sharp eyes, skill de arqueiro 4ºJob

VACcing: Hack que puxa todos os monstros do mapa para um só local

NPC: Non-Player Character - personagem não animado que tem diversas funções no jogo

Z-RUN: Quando um grupo de players matam zakum

Shemale: Pessoas do sexo masculino que criam personagens femininos, com ou sem intenção de conseguir arrecadar item/meso com isso

Wb: Welcome Back um seja bem vindo de volta

Afk: Away from keyboard, longe do teclado

W8: vem do ingles wait, para o player esperar

Aka: Also Know as, mais conhecido como Ex: S> Scroll for gloves for attack aka GFA

Nvm: do ingles nevermind que significa esqueça

Gratz: congratulations que significa parabéns 

idk: I don't know, eu não sei

Brb: Be right back, volto logo

Bf: BoyFriend, namorado

Bff: Best friend forever, melhor amigo para sempre

Gf: Girlfriend namorada

Ty: Thank you, obrigado

Wtf: What the fuck, que p**ra é essa

Dunno: Don't know, não sei - Ex: I dunno how to play MapleStory

Noob: Vem do ingles NewBie que é um iniciante no jogo que não conhece nada

Lagger: Personagem que possui Lag, podendo se avantajar ou não disso

Casher: Personagem que possui muito cash

Hacker: Personagem que usa Hack

Hack: Programa que modifica algo ilegalmente no computador

Lag: Sigla que significa Latency at game (latência no jogo) geralmente quando o computador fica um elevado tempo atrasado em relação ao servidor

Looter: Usuario que não e de confiança que cata itens quando dropa

Op: Overpower, muito forte, acima do comum

Sv: abreviação de Server/Servidor

BMS: Brasil MapleStory (Fechado)
GMS: Global MapleStory

GMST: Global MapleStory Tespia (Servidor Teste)
MapleSea: Maple Ásia
KMS: Coréia MapleStory
KMST: Coréia MapleStory Tespia (Servidor Teste)
EMS: Europa MapleStory
CMS: China MapleStory
JMS: Japão MapleStory
THMS: Tailândia MapleStory (Fechado)
TWMS: Taiwan MapleStory
VMS: Vietnã MapleStory (Fechado)

Caso tenha alguma dúvida deixe comentário abaixo do post :)

domingo, 7 de agosto de 2011

Temos mais um escritor!

Estou de volta para falar de um novo escritor que entrou em cena agora, Gustavo Noronha aka Byon'z In Game  , 13 anos alegre simpático e com muita disposição, ele irá postar principalmente sobre comédia e HQ (história em quadrinhos), e é com muita alegria que damos boas vindas para ele!

quarta-feira, 3 de agosto de 2011


Olá, eu me chamo Maxam, tenho 14 anos, e começo a partir de hoje contribuir para esse magnifico blog.
Venho por meio dessa postagem me apresentando.
Eu sou um jogador de maplestory desde que se iniciou pela Lu!G em 2008. Antes do maple, eu jogava dofus, já fui também jogador de ragnarok, the duel, combat arms, grande chase, lunia (nunca entendi nada lá) e outros jogos de browser.
Também venho a ser um fã fanático pela Lady Gaga minha diva.
Gosto muito de pessoas felizes, e desprezo quem é metido, por outro lado eu tenho um humor bi-polar já fiz tratamento com psicólogos, mas de nada adiantou.

Provavelmente irei postar sobre os seguintes assuntos:
- Moda
- Humor
- Paixão
- Dicas
- Histórias (fan-fic).

Espero que gostem de mim, e vou me esforçar ao máximo para conseguir que vocês tenham um bom conteúdo e ao mesmo tempo engraçado.


É isso galera, eu vou para de escrever se não o post vai ficar muito comprido...

sábado, 23 de julho de 2011

Mensagem da Lug

Encerramento das atividades de MapleStory (outubro de 2011)

22/07/2011 -

Informamos que, em 22/10/2011, todos os serviços referentes a MapleStory serão descontinuados no Brasil. Apesar dos inúmeros fãs conquistados por aqui, nesta data ocorre o vencimento do contrato de distribuição do jogo no país, e tendo em vista os resultados alcançados no período, infelizmente a desenvolvedora NEXON optou por não proceder com a renovação do mesmo.

Ao longo desses três anos, você criou personagens, se divertiu, fez novos amigos, e mesmo com o encerramento das atividades, poderá guardar para sempre as memórias de suas aventuras vividas no mundo de Maple.

Em virtude do fechamento de nossos servidores, suspendemos a partir de hoje, 22/07/11, o cadastramento de novas contas e a venda de CASH para o jogo.

Os usuários cujas contas possuem créditos virtuais não consumidos poderão utilizá-los normalmente na loja interna do jogo, que permanecerá ativa durante esse período de 90 dias, para compra de itens virtuais no ambiente de MapleStory. Note que, a partir de hoje, todos os itens de CASH vendidos terão menos de 30 dias de duração. Os usuários que possuem cartões pré-pagos com nº de PIN válido poderão resgatá-los normalmente, creditando-os na respectiva conta e consumindo-os neste prazo de 90 dias dentro do jogo.

Em caso de dúvidas, pedimos que entre em contato com nossa Central de Atendimento.

Equipe Level Up!


quarta-feira, 20 de julho de 2011

segunda-feira, 18 de julho de 2011

 O Zaqqum (em árabe: زقوم) é uma árvore espinhosa que cresce no Jahanam, o inferno muçulmano. Possui fruto amargo e espinhoso e tem a forma de cabeças de demônios, chamadas guislin, que os condenados, Jati'un devem comer, aumentando seus tormentos.
 Segundo uma fonte que pesquisei, Zaqqum seria como a Árvore  e o fruto como a maçã.

Zaqqum e seus frutos amargos

A arvore que fica atrás do zakum no jogo

O ''Eye of Fire'' que é usado para sumonar o Zakum e o fruto dessa planta.
A foto da fruta 

Já o próprio Zakum (O bicho de pedra), mais se trata de uma estátua enorme.
Zakum na vida real:

Cabeça do Zakum (Que na real se chama Sahzakom)

Agora o corpo do Zakum (Ou Sahzakom, w/e)

Os Bains também entram na historia, é aquele cachorro que protegia o inferno na mitologia  protegia o inferno (Que tinha 2, 3 cabeças, quem já assistiu Hércules desenho sabe como é, tanto que os bains aparecem alguns mapas antes do zakum)


Para os mais interessados um blog árabe que fala um pouco sobre essa planta:
Também um pedaço do forum da level up  

terça-feira, 5 de julho de 2011

segunda-feira, 4 de julho de 2011

quinta-feira, 30 de junho de 2011

quarta-feira, 29 de junho de 2011

sábado, 25 de junho de 2011

quinta-feira, 23 de junho de 2011


Quero desejar um feliz feriado a todos, para quem não sabe hoje se celebra Corpus Christi que vem do latin corpo de cristo, uma festa que celebra a presença Cristo, porem não possui nenhum embasamento bíblico, um evento baseado em tradições católicas e tambem aceito por evangélicos.

segunda-feira, 20 de junho de 2011

Wild Hunter guide Pos Big Bang

Abaixo a guide de Wild Hunter que nada mais é do que um Balesteiro que anda com um Jaguar, os créditos todos vai para o Aryls do BasilMarket que criou essa guide, deixei do geito em que estava so mudei de endereço espero que aproveitem...
Wild Hunter Guide

I thought I'd start a small guide for the upcoming Wild Hunter. I have been playing my Wild Hunter in KMS and they're a lot of fun and I'm going to share my advice from the knowledge I've gained so far.

Catching Your Jaguar!

The trademark of Wild Hunters - the Jaguar! The Jaguar comes in 5 different colours: Black, Purple, Blue, Red and Brown. The colours and merely for looks and provide no bonuses (no, the Black one is NOT faster! ;D) To catch your Jaguar, talk to the Panther in the nest next to your Job Instructor and you will be taken there. Once there, weaken your desire mount to less than 50% HP and then cast your 'Capture' skill and you're done! Now simply use your Jaguar Riding skill and there you have it; your very own Jaguar mount! Thisvideo will give you a better idea! 

AP Guide

The most popular and thus recommended path for AP is to cap your STR anywhere between 50-80 depending on how funded you are. However, if you still wish to do otherwise, here are the three choices:

STRless :: leave your STR alone and pump all points into DEX.
Low STR :: as stated above, cap your STR anywhere between 50 and 80 and put the rest in DEX.
Reg STR :: simply place 1 point in STR and 4 in DEX each level; recommended until at least 50 anyway, but keep going however long you want.

SP Guide

1st Job

Triple Shot ::
Description: Use MP to quickly shoot three arrows.
Level 1: MP -6, 71% Damage.
Level 10: MP -10, 80% Damage.
Level 20: MP -15, 90% Damage.

Jaguar Riding ::
Description: Ride your Jaguar to increase speed and jump.
Level 1: MP -10; +2 speed/+1 jump.
Level 10: MP -20; +20 speed/+10 jump.
Level 15: MP -30; +30 speed/+15 jump.

Double Jump ::
Description: Jump to remain afloat in the air, then jump again in the same direction.
Level 1: MP -52; jumps a certain distance.
Level 10: MP -25; jumps a certain distance.
Level 15: MP -10; jumps a certain distance.

XBow Booster ::
Description: Uses MP to temporarily boost up the attacking speed of the crossbow. It only works with a crossbow in hand.
Level 1: MP -62; Increase in crossbow attacking speed for 48 seconds.
Level 10: MP -35; Increase in crossbow attacking speed for 75 seconds.
Level 15: MP -20; Increase in crossbow attacking speed for 90 seconds.

1st Job Build

10: +1 Triple Shot (1), +1 Double Jump (1), +3 Jaguar (3)
11: +3 Jaguar (6)
12: +3 Jaguar (9)
13: +3 Jaguar (12)
14: +3 Jaguar (MAX)
15: +3 XBow Booster (3)
16: +3 XBow Booster (6)
17: +3 Triple Shot (4)
18: +3 Triple Shot (7)
19: +3 Triple Shot (10)
20: +3 Triple Shot (13)
21: +3 Triple Shot (16)
22: +3 Triple Shot (19)
23: +1 Triple Shot (MAX), +2 XBow Booster (8)
24: +3 XBow Booster (11)
25: +3 XBow Booster (14)
26: +3 XBow Booster (17)
27: +3 XBow Booster (MAX)
28: +3 Double Jump (4)
29: +3 Double Jump (7)
30: +3 Double Jump (MAX)

Final ::
Jaguar - MAXED
Triple Shot - MAXED
XBow Booster - MAXED
Double Jump - MAXED

Reason ::
At level 10, unlike most jobs, Wild Hunter's receive 5 SP instead of 1. 1 point goes into Triple Shot as your attack, 1 point goes into Double Jump to help slightly with movement and the other 3 go into Jaguar as you want to max this first. The reason you want to max Jaguar first is because it increases your speed dramatically AND provides the passive critical, which is needed right away! After this we put 6 points into XBow Booster for a nice chunk of time for the buff and then max Triple Shot to maximize damage output. Booster and Double Jump can be maxed in any order at the end (I choose booster because I hate recasting).

2nd Job

XBow Master ::
Description: Increases the crossbow mastery and accuracy. It only applies when a crossbow is in hand.
Level 1: +15% crossbow mastery, +1 accuracy
Level 10: +35% crossbow mastery, +10 accuracy
Level 20: +60% crossbow mastery, +20 accuracy

Bomb Shot ::
Description: Fires arrows with bombs attached to it. If struck cleanly, the bomb explodes on the enemy, knocking out some of the enemies around with a certain success rate. Can’t attack more than 6 at once, and it only works with a bow in hand.
Level 1: MP -14; Stunner 11%, damage 93%
Level 10: MP -16; Stunner 20%, damage 120%
Level 20: MP -20; Stunner 30%, damage 150%
Level 30: MP -24; Stunner 40%, damage 180%

Jaguar Roar ::
Description: Jaguar rushes the enemy and deal knockback damage, then moves back away.
Level 1: MP -11; 63% Damage.
Level 10: MP -14; 90% Damage.
Level 20: MP -18; 120% Damage.

Soul Arrow ::
Description: Temporarily allows the character to fire crossbow arrows without using up the arrows. Only works with a crossbow in hand.
Level 1: MP -15; Attack for 15 seconds without using up an arrow.
Level 10: MP -15; Attack for 150 seconds without using up an arrow.

Mine ::
Description: Every time you move a certain distance, automatically a mine drops. After a certain amount of time away from land mines, they will explode.
Level 1: MP -15; lasts for 33 seconds.
Level 10: MP -19; lasts for 60 seconds.
Level 20: MP -27; lasts for 90 seconds.

Swallow ::
Description: Swallow monsters infront of jaguar. Monsters in range for over 0.5 seconds will be swallowed then spit out to deal damage. Fire attack that hits up to 6 enemies.
Cooldown: 30 seconds
Level 1: MP -11, 155% Damage when spit out, swallow enemy for up to 10 seconds.
Level 10: MP -13, 200% Damage when spit out, swallow enemy for up to 20 seconds.
Level 20: MP -17, 250% Damage when spit out, swallow enemy for up to 40 seconds.

2nd Job Build

30: +1 Bomb Shot (1), +2 Soul Arrow (2)
31: +3 Soul Arrow(5)
32: +2 Soul Arrow(7), +1 XBow Mastery (1)
33: +3 XBow Mastery (4)
34: +3 XBow Mastery (7)
35: +3 XBow Mastery (10)
36: +3 XBow Mastery (13)
37: +3 XBow Mastery (16)
38: +3 XBow Mastery (19)
39: +1 XBow Mastery (MAX), +2 Bomb Shot (3)
40: +3 Bomb Shot (6)
41: +3 Bomb Shot (9)
42: +3 Bomb Shot (12)
43: +3 Bomb Shot (15)
44: +3 Bomb Shot (18)
45: +2 Bomb Shot (MAX), +1 Jaguar Roar (1)
46: +1 Mine (1), +2 Final Attack (2)
47: +3 Final Attack (5)
48: +3 Final Attack (8)
49: +3 Final Attack (11)
50: +3 Final Attack (14)
51: +3 Final Attack (17)
52: +3 Final Attack (MAX)
53: +3 Swallow (3)
54: +3 Swallow (6)
55: +3 Swallow (9)
56: +3 Swallow (12)
57: +3 Swallow (15)
58: +3 Swallow (18)
59: +2 Swallow (MAX), +1 Jaguar Roar (2)
60: +3 Jaguar Roar (5)
61: +3 Jaguar Roar (8)
62: +3 Jaguar Roar (11)
63: +3 Jaguar Roar (14)
64: +3 Jaguar Roar (17)
65: +3 Jaguar Roar (20)
66: +3 Mine (4)
67: +3 Mine (7)
68: +3 Mine (10)
69: +3 Mine (13)
70: +3 Mine (16)

Final ::
Soul Arrow - 7
Bomb Shot - MAXED
XBow Mastery - MAXED
Jaguar Roar - MAXED
Swallow - MAXED
Final Attack - MAXED
Mine - 16

Reason ::
The 1 point at the beginning goes into Bomb Shot for obvious mobbing abilities followed by 2 into Soul Arrow eventually becoming 7 Soul Arrow to have the duration sync with Booster. After this XBow Mastery is the most important skill as you have very unstable damage, so max this immediately followed by maxing Bomb Shot for it's incredibly damage! 1 point is put into Jaguar Roar for it's stun and I put 1 point into Mine because it is fun and can kill mobs that barely survive and stop you having to turn back around. Final Attack is then maxed for it's bonus damage. Swallow is next as it gives some nice buffs including extra damage and extra critical, finally followed by Jaguar Roar and Mine.

3rd Job

Riding Master ::
Description: Improve ability to ride Jaguar.
Level 1: +1 Speed, +1 Jump, increase damage by 2% while riding.
Level 10: +5 Speed, +10 Jump, increase damage by 20% while riding.
Level 20: +10 Speed, +20 Jump, increase damage by 40% while riding.

5-Shot ::
Description: Shoot 5 arrows at the enemy at a high speed.
Level 1: MP -14; 61% Damage.
Level 10: MP -20; 70% Damage.
Level 20: MP -26; 80% Damage.
Level 30: MP -29; 90% Damage.

Crossroads ::
Description: Jaguar moves quickly forward, striking up to six enemies.
Level 1: MP -22; Damage 103%
Level 10: MP -26; Damage 130%
Level 20: MP -34; Damage 160%
Level 30: MP -42; Damage 191%

Trap ::
Description: Black traps contain monsters that will damage outside monsters. Monsters can deal damage to these traps.
Level 1: MP -21; Summon trap with 2300 HP, 41 Attack, lasts for 10 seconds.
Level 10: MP -25; Summon trap with 5000 HP, 50 Attack, lasts for 20 seconds.
Level 20: MP -33; Summon trap with 8000 HP, 60 Attack, lasts for 40 seconds.

Blind ::
Description: Lower the enemies accuracy for a period of time.
Level 1: MP -14; reduce enemy accuracy by 1% for 33 seconds, 11% success rate.
Level 10: MP -20; reduce enemy accuracy by 10% for 60 seconds, 20% success rate.
Level 1: MP -32; reduce enemy accuracy by 20% for 33 seconds, 30% success rate.

Silver Hawk ::
Description: Silver hawk is summoned. For a period of time, this silver hawk will follow you and attack monsters.
Level 1: MP -26; deals 61 damage, 52% chance of stun for 33 seconds.
Level 10: MP -30; deals 70 damage, 70% chance of stun for 60 seconds.
Level 20: MP -26; deals 80 damage, 90% chance of stun for 90 seconds.

Claw Cut ::
Description: Jaguar attacks up to three enemies with four quick consecutive hits.
Level 1: MP -22; 42% Damage.
Level 10: MP -26; 60% Damage.
Level 20: MP -34; 80% Damage.

3rd Job Build

70: 5-Shot (1), Crossroads (1), Claw Cut (1)
71: Silver Hawk (1), Jaguar Mastery (2)
72: Jaguar Mastery (5)
73: Jaguar Mastery (8)
74: Jaguar Mastery (11)
75: Jaguar Mastery (14)
76: Jaguar Mastery (17)
77: Jaguar Mastery (MAX)
78: Crossroads (3), Trap (1)
79: Crossroads (6)
80: Crossroads (9)
81: Crossroads (12)
82: Crossroads (15)
83: Crossroads (18)
84: Crossroads (21)
85: Crossroads (24)
86: Crossroads (27)
87: Crossroads (MAX)
88: 5-Shot (3), Blind (1)
89: 5-Shot (6)
90: 5-Shot (9)
91: 5-Shot (12)
92: 5-Shot (15)
93: 5-Shot (18)
94: 5-Shot (21)
95: 5-Shot (24)
96: 5-Shot (27)
97: 5-Shot (MAX)
98: Claw Cut (4)
99: Claw Cut (7)
100: Claw Cut (10)
101: Claw Cut (13)
102: Claw Cut (16)
103: Claw Cut (19)
104: Claw Cut (MAX), Trap (3)
105: Trap (6)
106: Trap (9)
107: Trap (12)
108: Trap (15)
109: Trap (18)
110: Trap (MAX), Silver Hawk (2)
111: Silver Hawk (5)
112: Silver Hawk(8)
113: Silver Hawk (11)
114: Silver Hawk (14)
115: Silver Hawk (17)
116: Silver Hawk (MAX)
117: Blind (4)
118: Blind (7)
119: Blind (10)
120: Blind (13)

Final ::
Jaguar Mastery -MAXED
5-Shot - MAXED
Crossroads - MAXED
Claw Cut - MAXED
Trap - MAXED
Silver Hawk - MAXED
Blind - 13

Reason ::
1 point into Crossroads for mobbing and 5-shot for damage and claw cut and hawk just for fun and a bit of stun from hawk. Mastery is maxed first as it boosts your damage a lot! Next to max is crossroads as it is a great mobbing skill (and looks awesome). You can put 1 point into trap and blind if you wish. 5-shot comes next for the damage increase on single targets and small mobs. The rest of the skills can be maxed in any order you wish, so just choose your favourite.
The New FA

As most of you know, FA has always been a hot debate for archers. Some people think it is beneficial, some think it compromises damage too much. Well, FA is now a must after the Big Bang patch. When activated it no longer cuts in with a short animation, slowing damage output; instead an extra arrow simply flies out of nowhere to hit the monster, without slowing down your attacking at all. Essentially it is free, bonus damage. Therefore, to maximize your DPM, you need FA!


Lv. 29 Wild Hunter at Golem Dungeon.
Lv. 43 Wild Hunter at Kerning Square.
Lv. 50 Wild Hunter in CPQ.
Lv. 134 Wild Hunter at Skeles. (I recommend you turn your volume down!)
Lv. 143 Wild Hunter at Oblivion 4. (I recommend you turn your volume down!)


Dual blade guide Pos Big Bang

Dual Blade guide (Big Bang)

Dual Blade Rogue Skills
Nimble Body: Permanently increases Accuracy and Avoidability.
Max Level: 20 Accuracy: +60, Avoidability: +60.
Disorder: Temporarily decreases an enemy’s Weapon Attack and Defense, eventually neutralizing the monster’s attack. Cannot be used on the same monster repeatedly.
Max Level: 10 MP Cost: 10, Duration: 60 sec, Enemy ATT: 20, Enemy DEF: 10%
Dark Sight: Hides in the shadows for a certain period of time. With Dark Sight activated, you can neither attack nor be attacked. Required skill: lv 3 Disorder
Max Level: 10 MP Cost: 5, Duration: 200 sec, Movement Speed: -0
Double Stab: Quickly stabs an enemy twice.
Max Level: 20 MP Cost: 14, Damage: 130%
Skill Build
10: Save SP (1)
11: Save SP (4)
12: Save SP (7)
13: Save SP (10)
14: Save SP (13)
15: Save SP (16)
16: Save SP (19)
17: Save SP (22)
18: Save SP (25)
19: Save SP (28)
20: Save SP (31)

Skills so far:
Dark Sight: 0
Disorder: 0
Double Stab: 0
Nimble Body: 0

Reason for build: Big Bang allows much easier training, and being that you're going to spend most of your lvs at Blue Ribbon Pigs they're rather weak and will not call for any skills, it's more beneficial to save the SP then to spend them for now.

Training locations
10-13 = Beginner Thief Training Quest, Stirges
13-20 = Blue Ribbon Pig, faeries

Semi-Dualer Skills
Katara Mastery: Increases the weapon mastery and accuracy of daggers and kataras.
Max Level: 20 Dagger and Katara Mastery: +50%, Accuracy: +60
Triple Stab: Quickly deals 3 attacks to a maximum of 2 enemies. Required skill: Double Stab lv 10.
Max Level: 10 MP Cost: 20, Damage: 160% x3 on up to two enemies
Katara Booster: Doubles the attack speed of your weapon. Must have a Katara equipped.
Max Level: MP Cost: 11, Duration: 200 sec
Skill build
20: +20 Katara Mastery (20), +11 Katara Booster (11)
21: +3 Katara Booster (14)
22: +3 Disorder (3)
23: +3 Dark Sight (3)
24: +3 Dark Sight (6)
25: +3 Dark Sight (9)
26: +1 Dark Sight (10), +2 Nimble Body (2)
27: +3 Nimble Body (5)
28: +3 Nimble Body (8)
29: +3 Nimble Body (11)
30: +3 Nimble Body (14)

Skills so far:
Dark Sight: 10
Disorder: 3
Double Stab: 0
Nimble Body: 14
Katara Mastery: 20
Triple Stab: 0
Katara Booster: 14

Reason for build: Still saving SP, as Double Stab/Triple Stab have very little value anymore there isn't much of a point in wasting points on them. Granted your lving will be a bit slower then someone who does get Triple Stab but you'll be greatly benefited later. Katara Mastery is gained to boost the damage of your stabs but Booster will do nothing for now since you don't have any skills so there's no need to put points in yet.

Training locations
20-30 = Golems / Dark Golems / Mixed Golems

Dualer Skills
Shadow Resistance: With the help of the Darkness, Max HP, Abnormal Status Resistance, and Elemental Resistance are permanently increased.
Max Level: Max HP: +10%, Abnormal Status Resistance: +20%, Elemental Resistance: +20%
Self Haste: Temporarily increases Movement Speed and Jump.
Max Level: 20 MP Cost: 30, Movement Speed: +40, Jump: +23, Duration: 200 sec
Fatal Blow: Deals very quick consecutive attacks to a monster.
Max Level: 30 MP Cost: 30, Number of Attacks: 8, Damage: 110%
Slash Storm: Moves you forward while attacking multiple enemies. Level 6+ mastery book required. Level 20 effect: Can learn Bloody Storm
Max Level: 20 MP Cost: 24, Damage: 230% x2 on up to 6 enemies
Skill build
30: +1 Slash Storm (1)
31: +3 Slash Storm (4)
32: +2 Slash Storm (6 - 1 SP from mastery book), +2 Self-Haste (2)
33: +3 Self-Haste (5)
34: +3 Self-Haste (8)
35: +3 Self-Haste (11)
36: +3 Self-Haste (14)
37: +3 Self-Haste (17)
38: +3 Self-Haste (20)
39: +3 Slash Storm (9)
40: +3 Slash Storm (12)
41: +3 Slash Storm (15)
42: +3 Slash Storm (18)
43: +2 Slash Storm (20), +1 Shadow Resistance (1)
44: +3 Shadow Resistance (4)
45: +3 Shadow Resistance (7)
46: +3 Shadow Resistance (10)
47: +3 Shadow Resistance (13)
48: +3 Shadow Resistance (16)
49: +3 Shadow Resistance (19)
50: +1 Shadow Resistance (20), +2 Fatal Blow (2)
51: +3 Fatal Blow (5)
52: +3 Fatal Blow (8)
53: +3 Fatal Blow (11)
54: +3 Fatal Blow (14)
55: +3 Fatal Blow (17)

Skills so far:
Dark Sight: 10
Disorder: 3
Double Stab: 0
Nimble Body: 14
Katara Mastery: 20 (max)
Triple Stab: 0
Katara Booster: 14
Shadow Resistance: 20 (max)
Self-Haste: 20 (max)
Fatal Blow: 17
Slash Storm: 20 (max)

Training locations
30-35 = CPQ, Mushroom Kingdom
35-40 = CPQ, Mushroom Kingdom / Kerning Square
40-50 = Kerning Square / CPQ
50-55 = drakes

Blade Specialist Skills
Tornado Spin: A quick dash forward to attack multiple enemies with a powerful spin attack.
Max Level 20: -40 MP, 155% speed dash, hit up to 8 monsters with 250% damage.
Flash Bang: Toss a flash bang on the ground to decrease an enemy's accuracy.
Max level 20: -90 MP, 160% damage, 80% chance to reduce the enemy's accuracy with 85% for 20 seconds, 55 seconds cooldown.
Flash Jump: Performs a second jump in the air. The higher the skill level, the further you'll jump.
Max level 20: -12 MP, jump a certain distance.
Skill build
55: No SP gained upon job advancement.
56: +1 Flash Jump (1), +2 Tornado Spin (2)
57: +3 Tornado Spin (5)
58: +1 Tornado Spin (6 - 1 SP from TS mastery), Save SP (3)
59: Save SP (6)
60: Save SP (9)
61: Save SP (12)
62: Save SP (15)
63: Save SP (18)
64: Save SP (21)
65: Save SP (24)
66: Save SP (27)
67: Save SP (30)
68: Save SP (33)
69: Save SP (36)
70: Save SP (39)

Skills so far:
Dark Sight: 10
Disorder: 3
Double Stab: 0
Nimble Body: 14
Katara Mastery: 20 (max)
Triple Stab: 0
Katara Booster: 14
Shadow Resistance: 20 (max)
Self-Haste: 20 (max)
Fatal Blow: 23
Slash Storm: 20 (max)
Tornado Spin: 6
Flash Bang: 0
Flash Jump: 1

Training locations
55-60 = Trojans, truckers
60-65 = Robos, Block Golem
65-70 = mateons, plateons

Blade Lord Skills
Advanced Dark Sight: Attack while in dark sight. There's a chance you will still be in dark sight after the attack. Requires level 20 Dark Sight.
Max level 20: 49% chance to remain in dark sight.
Bloody Storm: Advanced version of Slash Storm. Requires level 20 Slash Storm.
Max level 10: -44 MP, 420% damage each attack, attacks up to 8 enemies two times.
Mirror Image: For a period of time, your alter ego is summoned.
Max level 30: -68 MP, alter ego does 70% damage for 180 seconds.
Owl Dead: Attacks one enemy. If your owl kills the enemy, your next few attacks will be increased.
Max level 20: -37 MP, 49% chance of instant death, instant death gives 30% bomus damage for the next 10 attacks, 60 seconds cooldown.
Upper Stab: Pop your enemies into the air. While they are in the air, they will receive more damage.
Max level 20: -40 MP, attack up to 6 enemies 2 times with 250% damage, 70% more damage if you attack them while they're in the air.
Flying Assaulter: Attack in a downward, diagonal spiral to attack your enemies from above. Requires level 20 Self Haste.
Max level 20: -44 MP, up to 8 enemies will be attacked twice with 420% damage, they have a 7% chance to get a 6 second stun.
Skill build
70: +10 Bloody Storm (10), +11 Flying Assaulter (11 - 1 SP from FA mastery), +20 Upper Stab (20)
71: +3 Tornado Spin (9)
72: +3 Tornado Spin (12)
73: +3 Tornado Spin (15)
74: +3 Tornado Spin (18)
75: +2 Tornado Spin (20), +1 Flying Assaulter (12)
76: +3 Flying Assaulter (15)
77: +3 Flying Assaulter (18)
78: +2 Flying Assaulter (20), +1 Mirror Image (1)
79: +3 Mirror Image (4)
80: +3 Mirror Image (7)
81: +3 Mirror Image (10)
82: +4 Mirror Image (14 - 1 SP from MI mastery)
83: +3 Mirror Image (17)
84: +3 Mirror Image (20)
85: +3 Mirror Image (23)
86: +3 Mirror Image (26)
87: +3 Mirror Image (29)
88: +1 Mirror Image (30), +2 Flash Jump (3)
89: +3 Flash Jump (6)
90: +3 Flash Jump (9)
91: +3 Flash Jump (12)
92: +3 Flash Jump (15)
93: +3 Flash Jump (18)
94: +2 Flash Jump (20), +1 Fatal Blow (18)
95: +3 Fatal Blow (21)
96: +3 Fatal Blow (24)
97: +3 Fatal Blow (27)
98: +3 Fatal Blow (30)
99: +3 Owl Spirit (3)
100: +3 Owl Spirit (6)
101: +3 Owl Spirit (9)
102: +3 Owl Spirit (12)
103: +3 Owl Spirit (15)
104: +3 Owl Spirit (18)
105: +2 Owl Spirit (20), +1 Booster OR Nimble Body (15)
106: +3 Booster OR Nimble Body (18)
107: +2 Booster OR Nimble Body (20), +1 Flash Bang (1)
108: +3 Flash Bang (4)
109: +3 Flash Bang (7)
110: +3 Flash Bang (10)
111: +3 Flash Bang (13)
112: +3 Flash Bang (16)
113: +3 Flash Bang (19)
114: +1 Flash Bang (20), +2 Advanced Dark Sight (2)
115: +3 Advanced Dark Sight (5)
116: +3 Advanced Dark Sight (8)
117: +3 Advanced Dark Sight (11)
118: +3 Advanced Dark Sight (14)
119: +3 Advanced Dark Sight (17)
120: +3 Advanced Dark Sight (20)

Skills so far:
Dark Sight: 10
Disorder: 3
Double Stab: 0
Nimble Body: 14 OR 20
Katara Mastery: 20 (max)
Triple Stab: 0
Katara Booster: 14 OR 20
Shadow Resistance: 20 (max)
Self-Haste: 20 (max)
Fatal Blow: 30 (max)
Slash Storm: 20 (max)
Tornado Spin: 20 (max)
Flash Bang: 20 (max)
Flash Jump: 20 (max)
Bloody Storm: 10 (max)
Advanced Dark Sight: 20 (max)
Mirror Image: 30 (max)
Owl Spirit: 20 (max)
Upper Stab: 20 (max)
Flying Assaulter: 20 (max)

Training locations
70-75 = Sand Rats
75-80 = Sand Rats / Scorpions
80-85 =B-3/iron mutaes
85-90 = Roids, C-2/C-1
90-100 = lab 202, homunculuses, Firebrand, Selkie's, Gallos (note: It's very unlikely you'll find a map at gallos)
100-110 = Nightshadows
110-120 = Mu Lung Pirates, Vikings, Kents

Dual Blade Skills
Venom: Permanently puts potion to the dagger. Poison can only bring down an enemy's HP to 1, not kill them.
Max level 30: 40% chance of poison, 140% damage per second for eight seconds.
Maple Warrior: Increase stats by a certain percentage for everyone in the party.
Max level 30: -70 MP, increase all the stats with 15% for everyone in the party for 900 seconds.
Final Cut: Spend a large amount of your HP to attack multiple enemies with a very strong attack. After the attack, you will get a damage boost, which has a cooldown. Also permanently increases the damage of Fatal Blow, Slash Storm, Tornado Spin, Bloody Storm, Upper Cut and Flying Assaulter.
Max level 30: -400 MP, -45% HP, attack up to 8 enemies with 2000% damage, damage increases with 100% for 44 seconds with a 90 seconds cooldown, increases 25% damage of Fatal Blow, Slash Storm, Tornado Spin, Bloody Storm, Upper Cut and Flying Assaulter.
Monster Bomb: Throw a sticky bomb which attaches to one of your enemies. After a while, it explodes, causing that enemy and all enemies around it to take damage. Explodes after 3 seconds.
Max level 30: -40 MP, 1380% damage caused by the explosion, 4 seconds cooldown.
Sudden Raid: Attacks up to 15 enemies on the screen with large amounts of damage.
Max level 30: -300 MP, 1500% damage, 10 seconds of 200% damage per second, 30 seconds cooldown.
Chains of Hell: Pull an enemy near you and attack it with a chain. A critical chance is added. Has to be used when you're in Dark Sight.
Max level 30: -80 MP, 285% damage, attacks 10 times, adds 20% critical chance.
Stack Effect: Your Mirror Image will stop attacking and take damage for you instead. Enemies will attack this instead of you. Also has passive effects.
Max level 30: -135 MP, 90 seconds to summon a target with 12000 HP. Passive Effect: 25% chance to dodge an attack, increase of 60% in physical and magic defense.
Thorns: Gives the party the power to find the enemy's weaknesses and the ability to inflict lethal grants.
Max level 30: -350 MP, increase of 20% critical chance and 30% minimum critical damage for 160 seconds.
Hero’s Will: Shrug off abnormal conditions.
Max level 5: -30 MP, 360 seconds cooldown.
Training locations
120-125 = Gigantic Spirit Viking, Kents
125-130 = Papulatus boss, Werewolf. Dragon Turtles
130-140 = Werewolf/Lycanthrope, Coolie/Miner Zombies, Wyverns
140-145 = Dark Corians, Memory Monks / trainee
145-150 = Memory Trinee's / Guards / Chief guards
150-155 = Qualm trainee / guard
155-160 = Chief Qualm Guard, Oblivion monk
160+ = Oblivion Road monsters, Lionheart Castle (Note: Lionheart is not yet released)
